Happy New Year!! 2011 is gonna be a great year for me, I can feel it.
So many things to look forward to, especially my backpacking trip round Japan for 3 weeks in April and a few more things that are too early to mention!
I have so many new year resolutions, like every year but these are my top ones:-
1. Become more organised and improve my communication skills, I'm rubbish with my mobile phone and need to get back to people more often!
2. Progress a project I'm working on and set myself deadlines
3. Get fit and lose weight
Still not there with my weight goals but heading back to the gym this week.
Had a great new years eve last night, Mark played in Brixton at a club called DEX which was really cool and tonight we are off to the Source bar as he is playing with his bro and James Zabiela, dinner first with them all at 7pm tonight, looking forward to it.
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