Tuesday 15 June 2010

Still laughing...

I'm still laughing about when I woke up this morning. My alarm was set for 6am and I woke up startled sitting upright and said out loud, is it Saturday or Sunday? Mark laughed and said, gutted its only Tuesday! I couldn't stop laughing. I was being a bit too optimistic for a Tuesday, and let's face it Tuesdays are only marginally better than Mondays! Still at least I jumped out of bed laughing. Work was busy and now I'm home, Mark and I are about to go for a run around the Lake opposite our house which we'll enjoy as the sun is out and the views will be gorgeous. I'll cook us salmon and vegetables for dinner and perhaps I'll go for a swim before bed.


  1. The Views will be Glorious ... alright hyacinth bouquet Ha ha Love you xxx

  2. ha ha like that one did you!!! :-)
