Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Final Party....

Mark playing during the day

The Outside Stage

The party on Sunday was so incredible....I am only just recovering. All the DJs that played were amazing and everyone seemed to have a great time. Hopefully there will be more parties like this from Mark and his brother next summer. Sundays will not be the same now, but at least I will be back into my routine and back to normal for a while.....Really impressed at how well organised the parties were and so chuffed for Mark that they were such a success as he has worked so hard to make these happen.

Mandy and I

I arrived about 5pm and ended up leaving at 3.30am as I was beginning to over indulge! Mark came in at about 7am as he went to an after party and we ended up getting up about 2pm and going back to the after party, which eventually ended up back at ours until this morning..... fun times :-)

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Jenster and Mum

After visiting my sister we drove to Hertfordshire to meet up with one of my best friends Jenny and her partner JC. We had a really fun liquid lunch and caught up. Living in Kent now its not as easy to meet up with friends and family as often and at times it's really difficult being so far away. It's not like I can just pop in for a coffee and a quick chat round my mum's or friend's from home but I'm getting used to it and Kent does feel like my home now. After lunch we went round to my mum's for a few hours, who had us both in absolute stiches.

Weekend's Antics

Saturday morning Mark and I got up extra early as we went to visit my my sister Steph and her family at their new house and to drop off gifts. The house is absolutely gorgeous, so much land. Even though the weather wasn't fantastic I managed a quick swim with the girls in their outside pool

Friday, 27 August 2010



Every Sunday throughout August Mark has hosted along with his brother a Saved party here in Kent. Check out the really cool promo video for the parties.

The last party is on Sunday, can't wait!!!

New Boots

Today I wore my new boots for the first time. I had my eye on them for ages and finally nabbed a pair when they went on sale! They are from Reiss, originally £170 and I purchased them for £50!!!!!

Baby Shower

My sister Liz is pregnant!!! Her first baby is due in December and I am organising her baby shower with my mum, we're really looking forward to it!! Today whilst Mark was busy working in the studio I went along to keep him company and took the opportunity to write all the invites. It's amazing really at how much stuff you can get for baby showers, they seem to have really taken off in the UK now.

So much

Has been happening these last few months. I'm going to get back on track with blogging going forward. I've been to Ibiza with the girls and Mark has been holding weekly parties with his brother for their record label Saved Records. It's all been pretty hectic...