Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Summer evenings

We were very fortunate tonight as Mark's brother cooked us an amazing BBQ. His brother does the best BBQs ever so I was really looking forward to this. I'll miss Nic and Mandy when they leave to move into their new house as it's so lovely having them with us and it'll be quiet without them when they leave. Our mutual friends Julie and Tony came round also and we just chilled in the garden, ate great food, drunk lots of wine and caught up. Perfect!


I live in front of a lake and tonight it looked so beautiful when I was walking home from the coach stop.....this was the view this evening. The photo does not do it justice!


Soooo all you twihards! How exciting, Eclipse is about to be released at the cinema. I love the Twilight series and I'm so excited about seeing Eclipse. Mark, myself and his brother and sister in law are going to see it together in Canary Wharf next week and I literally cannot wait!

Team Edward all the way still. Check out these latest pictures of Kristen Stewart, she's looking HOT! She really does look exceptional and I love her hair and the eye make up.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Little Angels

On our way back from Birmingham we stopped at my brothers to watch the football (I wont even go there!!!) and we had a BBQ. After we stopped at my parents, check out how cute my two little nieces look. I could literally eat them I love them so much. I adore all of my family and my little nieces and nephews - I will be talking about them a lot as they are all such a big part of my life.


Was such good fun! We stayed at a gorgeous boutique hotel called Hotel du Vin. Its a converted hospital and all the rooms were names of wines or champagnes. Our room was called Krug and it was so luxurous, a real surprise, something we were not expecting. The bathroom was my favourite, it had a free standing bath and an enormous shower.

RocknRolla was brilliant, I met some great people in Birmingham, everyone was so lovely and welcoming, such a great crowd and I'm looking forward to meeting up with everyone again. Mark's set went down well and the venue was wicked, a real summer DC10 feeling and it was lovely when the sun came up, got me in the mood for Ibiza!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Smoky Eyes

I spent an hour of my eye make up on Saturday night. I was really pleased with the final result. I used MAC eyeshadows, eye liner and eyelashes.


Stumbled across these from Dorothy Perkins of all places!! I never used to shop there but over the last couple of months I think they have really gotten better. There are a limited number of clothes shops where I work so I will always pop in here to see if they have anything. These are great value, look fantastic and you don't need to worry about them getting lost or broke as they are such a bargain. I have also seen a great pair of shoes in there which I have my eye on!

Summer Blazer

I picked up this great summer blazer in Next for £55. I'm not a big fan of Next if I'm honest, although I do think they are good for work shoes. I was given some vouchers for my birthday and it has taken me ages to pick something out and I wanted to wait until I saw something that I know I would wear. Love this, looks great with a pair of skinny jeans and heels.

Friday, 25 June 2010

This Weekend.....

Up very early tomorrow morning, dropping Mark's brother at the airport and then we go straight up north somewhere as Mark has a ferrari day, should be fun!! Then we head to Birmingham to meet up with Mark's good friend DJ Micky Slim for dinner and then we are going to Micky's gig at Gatecrasher. Can't wait, feels like ages since I last went out clubbing!

Mark is then playing at Micky's after hours party RocknRolla ......3:30am set. Let's hope I'm up in time for the football on Sunday! Really looking forward to going out in Birmingham as I've never had a night out there, also really looking forward to seeing Mark play as I haven't heard him play in ages! Excited :-)


I woke up to that Friday feeling that's for sure. Hectic day but I managed to get out at lunch time for a couple of hours in Canary Wharf to meet with one of my bosses who is on maternity leave. She brought her little baby with her, how gorgeous is she! She was premature and she is now 10 weeks old but is only the size of a new born baby. She is such a cutie!

This week.......

Has been horrendous. I won't moan as it's now over!! I wish I had a lot to say about what i've got up to this week, but the truth is I haven't. I've worked a lot and have hardly made it to the gym.....not happy! Here are some photos I took from my office window in London on Wednesday night. It was such a beautiful sunset.


We were unfortunate this year and didn't get tickets in time, we tried for the Sunday but no luck which is a shame. My sister has gone with her husband and her little girl Tilly......she has just sent me this photo of Tilly on my brother in law's shoulders watching Florence and the Machine. I look at it and I think what great memories for Tilly as she is only 9, what an experience for a little girl! My sister Steph is such a great mum and devotes her whole life and time for her children so I'm so happy she's managed to get away and have some fun for the weekend! They are doing Glasto in style and are staying in a yurt rather than a tent, can't wait to hear the stories!!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Father's Day

I had such a lovely time at my parent's today. All my sisters and brother were there, along with my 5 nieces and nephew. Mum cooked the most amazing spread and we all sat outside in the garden and caught up. Perfect day.


If you love paella and would like to make it, please follow this recipe. My mum lived in Spain for many years and she taught me this dish. Everyone I cook it for falls in love with it and I cannot remember how many people have asked me how to cook it. This is the perfect dish for entertaining. It's very easy to make so please give it a try - all your friends and family will thank you.


1 pack of diced chicken
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
4-5 garlic cloves (you do not need this many but I like to use quite a bit)
1 onion
1 pack of cooked king prawns
2 chicken stock cubes (I use Knorr)
1 pack of paella rice (please use Sainsbury's brand as this is the best - see picture)
Approx. 8 saffron threads

Firstly you will need a paella dish. I purchased mine from The Paella Company on line and highly recommend this website.

Step by step guide: (apologies if it sounds like a bit of a dummy guide but I will literally explain this to every last detail).

1. Fill your kettle and boil
2. Place the saffron threads in a mug and pour in some hot water, about half a cup full and leave on the side for half an hour.
3. Place one chicken stock in a large measuring jug (see attached pic) and pour in boiling water to about 1200ml. Leave for half an hour along with the saffron.

4. Chop the onion, red pepper and green pepper into small squares. Crush the garlic cloves and set aside.

5. Cook the chicken in a separate frying pan with a little olive oil (or whichever oil you prefer). Cook on a low heat, turning occasionally and set aside when slightly brown.

6. After the half hour is up and the saffron has been set aside, place the paella pan on the middle of all four hobs (evenly as possible). Turn all hobs on, evenly heated where possible. At this stage a fairly low heat. Put 2 tablespoons of oil in the dish and fry the garlic for 30 seconds. Then add the onions and peppers. Fry for a couple of minutes until soft.

7. Add the packet of rice to the dish and pour in the cup of saffron. Stir for a few seconds. Then add the jug of chicken stock. Everything will be floating around, give a quick stir and then leave. Do not put on a high heat, leave to simmer on a medium - low heat for about 15 minutes. Add a few pinches of salt and stir. Adding salt (I also like to add a bit of pepper also) is vital, you must season this. After 15 minutes add in the chicken.

8. Turn the heat up to a medium heat and leave to cook. In the meantime prepare another jug of chicken stock as you will need to add more water when the dish becomes dry. I would say you will need to add more water about 25 minutes in from this stage but to be honest it depends on how fast the dish is cooking so its a bit trial and error. Its gonna be your guess when to add more water. I tend to add perhaps another half a jug (not the full jug). All in all the dish should take no longer than 45 mins - 1 hour. Keep testing and checking the rice. Keep on stirring and seasoning.

9. About 5 minutes before the dish has finished add in the cooked prawns and give it a good stir. You can add in other types of fish, such as mussels but I stick to prawns and chicken.

10. I add a salad and either french or garlic bread as side dishes.


What my mum told me: No paella dish is ever the same, it will be different every time.

Thanks mum xxx

Saturday, 19 June 2010

This weekend.....

A crazy week at work behind me and this weekend has all been about chilling, working out, and cooking!! Nothing too exciting, but that will all change soon as I have a summer full of parties coming up. The fitness plan is going well and I managed to get to the gym to do marathon 2 hour sessions every night last week - today was a day of working out too and I can really start to notice the changes in my body, clothes are defo feeling better. Only 8 weeks to go until Ibiza so still got a long way to go. Today I did a 40 minute run, 1 hour weights and a half hour swim and feel great for it. Same thing tomorrow and after I will be travelling down to Hertfordshire to see my dad for father's day! Got him a really cool pair of converse trainers so hopefully he'll like those. I cooked paella tonight, Mark and Mandy really enjoyed it, recipe to follow shortly.............


My cousin Sophie's photo appears in this month's Attitude magazine. She was lucky enough to bag a ticket to their 16th birthday party at the Mayfair Hotel a few weeks can see her taking a large swig of wine below, typical Soph!!! Girl after my own heart :-)

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

The Sales

Today I hit the shops at lunch time to check out the summer sales. French Connection have a very good sale on with most of their stuff 50% off. I purchased some jewellery from Warehouse - all three pieces were 50% off. I love accessories - these will look great with maxi dresses.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Still laughing...

I'm still laughing about when I woke up this morning. My alarm was set for 6am and I woke up startled sitting upright and said out loud, is it Saturday or Sunday? Mark laughed and said, gutted its only Tuesday! I couldn't stop laughing. I was being a bit too optimistic for a Tuesday, and let's face it Tuesdays are only marginally better than Mondays! Still at least I jumped out of bed laughing. Work was busy and now I'm home, Mark and I are about to go for a run around the Lake opposite our house which we'll enjoy as the sun is out and the views will be gorgeous. I'll cook us salmon and vegetables for dinner and perhaps I'll go for a swim before bed.

Alice in Wonderland......

As part of my 30th birthday celebrations I had all my school friends round to my new house for an Alice in Wonderland themed party. Everyone dressed up, it was a great day, although the weather was so crap and it was a shame as I had bought loads of really cool garden decorations. All not lost though as I will be able to use them for a summer BBQ. I've known the girls since our first day of secondary school back in 1991 and I'm lucky to have such great girls in my life and we'll be friends forever.

Monday, 14 June 2010

My next art purchase

Will be a piece by the artist Goldie.

Goldie is more known for being an actor and a DJ but he has been an artist for years. I'm a big fan of his artwork and he is incredibly talented. I am slowly building up my art collection, however this takes time so we have a lot of blank walls at the moment! One thing my sister and mum told me was never to rush purchase for the house, it's better to take your time and they are right.

I will purchase this print soon for my downstairs dining room - entitled Crying Phase.

If you would like to view his work please go to

I also love this piece which can be found on Eddie's site.

Exercise Tip

OK this week is all about losing the pounds as I've mentioned before......trying not to become too obsessed with the training and losing weight as us girls can go a bit loopy loo with stuff like that, let's be honest!!! I think the main thing is that you eat healthy and work out and if you do that you'll look good, right? Well we shall see, I have an entire summer wardrobe which I cannot get in to, I went through a stage of buying clothes too small for me as an incentive to tone up - yep you got it, still cant get into them, so now is the time as I refuse to buy another wardrobe for the summer! I've got a really good exercise tip for anyone that wants to tone their arms. I've just discovered a work out move by Tracy Anderson, its so simple, yet so really should try it as I assure you it works. Try this once a day:-

With 3 pound weight in hand, hold one arm out in a T, bend at elbow to cover eyes, then straighten, keeping arm lifted. Do 100 reps on one arm; switch.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

This weekend.....

So last night we had a BBQ here at our house and we watched the football. I wasn't surprised of the final score as the USA are a good football team. Today the weather has been lovely and i've spent 2 hours today in the gym. I'm back on my strict fitness regime as I'd like to get the perfect beach body in time for August, although I am a long way off that yet. Today I did one hour weights and one hour cardio and really worked up a sweat, loved it and feel so good for it now.

I spoke to my cousin Sophie this morning which was lovely as we have not spoke in a while. She has just moved back to the UK from Berlin and I hope I get to spend loads of time with her this summer. She will be coming to Ibiza with me in August and I can't wait to spend some quality time with her. As well as being my cousin, she really is my best friend and a soul mate. She knows me so well it's scary, we are almost like sisters. Must be a family thing!


One of my favourite high street shops is Reiss. I have some vouchers that I was given for my birthday which I have yet to spend, so I am thinking maybe a pair of shoes. These two I like in particular. Now I have to decide which pair, as I cannot have both!!

Victoria's Secret

The sale is on......and only happens twice a year.

I managed to visit the store when I was in Las Vegas last year but I don't think they have a store open in London yet. I've searched on the internet and cannot find anything. You can still buy on line but obviously it's more expensive due to shipping and import tax. Still, its not crazy over priced. Here are a few of my favourite bikini's that are currently in the sale....

Saturday, 12 June 2010


ARE BACK this summer.....

Its all about the bright clothes and bright nail vanishes. I think within reason this look works - this picture was taken in Ibiza. Although I think, like many i'm sure, you should wear what you want, when you want, whether it's currently in fashion or not!!!
I love this Matthew Williamson scarf with the neon pink - perfect for summer.

Today I'm listening to....

Paul Woolford's Platform mix CD. I'm a big fan of Renaissance and I'm loving Wooly's work on this one. I'm a massive fan of dance music. I can recommend this mix CD to all fellow followers. Looking forward to seeing Wooly later on in the year on the terrace at Space, Ibiza.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Make Up

Ever since I can remember and I have always been fascinated with make up - especially eye make up. I'm confident not to wear make up during the week as I like to let my skin breathe but as soon as it's time to socialise I will slap it all on and love to experiment. I actually end up doing most of my friends make up when we go out as I have been practising for so long. I even did my bosses makeup for her wedding in St Croix, US Virgin Islands. As part of my blog I will be focusing on make up tips, trends and products. In another life I would have been a make up artist - but who knows, I am thinking of putting together a portfolio on the side as a hobby - but at the moment I'm so busy with my career and day to day life, but this is something I may consider at some point.

MAC is one of my favourite brands. Mark took me to MAC Covent Garden a month or so ago to have my make up done - see picture. I pick up so many great tips from professional make up artists. I highly recommend NARS in Selfridges for a make over as well.

Lazy Weekend

This weekend I have no plans and I am so glad as it's very rare I have no plans at weekends. I need time to catch up with my chores and sorting loads of house bits out. Tomorrow i'm going to do a BBQ if the weather is nice for my partner Mark and his sister in law Mandy and her bump. I'll probably go to the gym tomorrow and Sunday as well. I love weekends at home, chilling out and having lots of sleep.

World Cup Fever

So the World Cup has finally kicked off!!! Luckily I am able to watch the games at work as we have plasma screens in our office which is great. I will of course be supporting England, also Italy as my partner is of Italian background. It's a shame that Poland are not participating as I would have been supporting them too as I'm of Polish decent. Today at work someone gave me a football cupcake, so cute.

GOOD LUCK England and Italy!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Sex and the City 2

I was lucky enough to attend a private showing of Sex and the City 2 last week. Clients took my colleagues and I to the Barbican Centre in the City where it was screened. We were greeted with cosmopolitan cocktails on arrival and fabulous canapes, mini cupcakes, mini burgers and mediterranean vegetables - I over indulged! We were given organic ice cream as we walked into the theatre. So what did you think of the film? Despite mixed reviews in the press I absolutely loved it. I thought Miranda looked fantastic, and the clothes were to die for!!!!

My little bit of luxury

I love nothing else than coming home and lighting my's my favourite wind down method. All my friends and most girls, I'm sure love candles, but I think I am the most obsessed out of all my friends.

There is a Space NK right outside my work and I'm always popping in to smell the latest candles and the girls in there know me now, much to my horror when one came up and told me she hadn't seen me in a while (I must be a regular!!). I'm becoming a bit of a pro now, I've tried many expensive ones and I've been so disappointed so rest assured it's not always the pricier ones that are the best! I must admit my favourite is Diptyque, I get so excited when I take one out of the box and light it for the first time.

Today as I write I have burning Cucumis Melo by Carriere Freres Industrie - so refreshing and peaceful.

My first blog

Hi everyone

Welcome to my blog spot and my first ever post!!!

I haven't really given much thought about what I'm going to write about but thought this would be a great way of keeping a diary as I have such a poor memory. I've recently celebrated my 30th birthday and thought this was another good reason to start writing so I can look back at what happened in my 30's. Although I have left my 20's I don't plan on slowing down on partying, having fun and settling down just yet...........